Economic Psychology

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Economic Psychology

How and why markets aren't rational. Navigational tips for successfully charting the Bermuda Triangle of human economic behavior. ™

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Global Voices Online - The world is talking. Are you listening?
The day after.
Today, I am embarrassed to be an American. Also angry, scared, confused, and a bunch of other things.... Although I did sleep well last night, utterly pleasurable and certainly well-earned.

I had a long conversation with my daughter (age 13) today regarding the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. It seems to me that along with bigotry, selfishness, greed, and stupidity on the one hand-- indifference, passivity, apathy, and lack of curiosity (a.k.a. willful ignorance) on the other, are sins of equal magnitude.

So what? It still happened. What good is it to blame other people, who I don't even know and certainly can't control? After all, short of the tactics the oppressors already employ, one person cannot control another (viz, you become what you oppose).

Many years ago, Jesse Jackson exhorted us to "keep hope alive." Great advice. Hard to implement. How can I do it? How can I make a difference? I honestly don't know. But the hope of finding a way is the one thing standing between me and my potential future life as an ostrich.

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